Cold storage

DONG NAI COLD STORAGE LIMITED COMPANY is one of the units that owns a modern food preservation cold storage system with a large area in...

Co-pack, repack & Packaging

Packaging tailored to your product and supply chain. Packing service makes it easier for customers in their daily work. Our packaging service is created to...

Different types of cold storage in industrial today

In today’s modern life, cold storage is no longer a stranger to us. Cold storage is used for storing and preserving frozen foods, agricultural products,...

Cold storage of vegetables storage successfully

The need to use foods is never lacking. Not only providing enough demand, but also the customer’s requirement is the quality of those agricultural products...

Notes what happens with cold storage and handling options

In the process of operation, cold storage will appear some phenomena, so it is necessary to pay attention to these phenomena and deal with each...

Distributing service support

In the product preservation environment in cold storage, Distribution Service is an essential need for customers. To meet that demand, the distribution activities of DongNai...

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