Different types of cold storage in industrial today
In today’s modern life, cold storage is no longer a stranger to us. Cold storage is used for storing and preserving frozen foods, agricultural products, vegetables and fruits, milk, flowers and products of the chemical industry… with a storage temperature of -5 degrees – + 5 degrees Celsius.
There are many different types of cold storage based on different classification bases:
Specializing in construction, installation and design of industrial cold storage according to customer needs
1. According to the use of cold storage:
Cold storage can be classified as follows:
– Preliminary cold storage: Used to pre-cool or temporarily preserve food at processing plants before moving to another processing stage.
– Processing warehouse: Used in food processing and preservation factories (canning factories, dairy factories, seafood processing factories, meat export factories, …). Cold storages of this type usually have a large capacity and need to be equipped with a system with a large cooling capacity. The load of cold storage is always changing due to frequent import and export.
– Warehouses for distribution, transshipment: Use air conditioners to provide food for residential areas, cities and long-term storage. Distribution cold storage usually has a large capacity, stores many items and is of great significance to the daily life of a community.
– Commercial warehouse: Cold storage to preserve food items of the commercial system. The warehouse is used to temporarily preserve the items being sold by the enterprise on the market.
Transport warehouse (on ships, trains, cars): The characteristics of warehouses are large capacity, temporary preservation of goods for transportation from one place to another.
– Living warehouse: This is a very small warehouse used in households, hotels, and restaurants to store a small amount of goods.
2. According to cold storage usage temperature:
One can divide:
– Cold storage: Storage temperature is in the range -2oC to 5oC. Some tropical fruits and vegetables need to be stored at a higher temperature (for bananas > 10oC, for lemons >4oC). In general, the main products are vegetables and agricultural products.
– Freeze storage: Warehouse is used to preserve frozen items. It is food of animal origin. The storage temperature depends on the time and type of food being stored. However, the minimum storage temperature must also reach -18oC so that microorganisms cannot grow to damage food during storage.
– Multi-purpose warehouse: The storage temperature is -12oC, the multi-function storage chamber is usually designed at -12oC, but when it needs to be cold, it can be brought up to 0oC or when it needs to be frozen, it can be brought down. storage temperature -18oC depending on technology requirements. When necessary, the multi-function chamber can be used to cool the product. The multi-function chamber is usually equipped with a fan, but can also be equipped with a wall or ceiling system for natural air convection.